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Zarastro Wins G3 Tatts Healy Stakes
A two time stakes-winner at the end of last year, the Tony Gollan trained I Am Invincible gelding Zarastro has been performing a little below par this preparation, but bounced back to his brilliant best to post a career highlight win in the $200,000 Group III Tatts WJ Healy Stakes (1200m) at Eagle Farm on Saturday.
GI Tiara Caps Amazing Season for Bella Nipotina
Pride of Dubai has two absolutely outstanding mares running for him this season and while Pride of Jenni has been off on a well earned break preparing for the spring, Bella Nipotina has been blazing a path to further G1 glory over the Brisbane Winter Carnival adding the $700,000 Group I Tatts Tiara (1400m) to her stellar CV at Eagle Farm on Saturday.